A Place to Begin

Get Grounded in the Basics of Love and Fear

Want the logic for shrinking fear and expanding love?

Start here.

You have questions. Of course you do. You should. Staking it all on love is a serious contention. And it’s one I don’t make lightly.

What follows here are a series of short thought pieces, essays and blogs to share some of the basic foundational insights I’ve come to about love. This isn’t the be-all, end-all, but it is a good place to begin. Since 2015, I’ve reviewed research, conducted my own research, reflected and dialogued about love and fear with countless leaders and change makers around the world. Read on and consider:

  • How do you want to live into these principles as a team?

  • What hopes do you have? What concerns? What are your opportunities to strengthen your love-not-fear practices?

  • What kinds of love do you want to be sure to uphold in your working relationships? What fear-inducing actions will you avoid?

  • What words resonate for you? For your team?

  • Do you feel comfortable using the word “love” or might you choose other words that express love for your team like compassion or appreciation or belonging or responsibility?

Most importantly, what does it mean TO YOU to put love at the center of your work each day? How will YOU do that? Why is it important to you?

And I’d love to hear from you about your practices and your questions and struggles too. This work is real human work. As we lean into it, we learn together. Welcome to A Human Workplace and the effort to make work more human!

With love and conviction ~ Renee Smith, Founder of A Human Workplace