Read. Be inspired. Go love.

Is it really possible to create a way of working based on love not fear? Yes. It’s not only possible. It’s essential. Learn more from this collection of more than 100 posts to inspire and guide you.


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Kindness starts at work!
Renée Smith Renée Smith

Kindness starts at work!

This month we welcome guest blogger Karyn Ross, founder of the Love and Kindness Project Foundation. Karyn is an internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, consultant, coach, Lean practitioner, and award winning author of How to Coach for Creativity and Service Excellence: A Lean Coaching Workbook.

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Everywhere I go: in a hotel shuttle in Kentucky.
Renée Smith Renée Smith

Everywhere I go: in a hotel shuttle in Kentucky.

Everywhere I go people tell me stories about their workplaces. Some are full of fear, missed opportunities, bad business, and outright harm. Others are full of love, respect, kindness and the benefits that come to customers, employees, and organizations when these human values are embraced.

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Make meetings more human: the check-in
Renée Smith Renée Smith

Make meetings more human: the check-in

You’ve seen this happen, probably multiple times each day. A group of people come into a room and sit down around a table just before a meeting. Barely looking at each other, they might mumble a greeting but give their devices their full attention. When the appointed time arrives, they launch in to the agenda items and get to work.

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Make meetings more human, please!
Renée Smith Renée Smith

Make meetings more human, please!

We don’t know who they are, what they care about, what they’ve experienced, what they value, what their talents are. We don’t know what they’ve just come from or what they are carrying. We don’t know if they are distracted or worried. But never mind all that. It’s time to be a professional and get to work.

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People are kind
Renée Smith Renée Smith

People are kind

Almost six months ago, I broke my ankle.  It was a serious injury, and I was told that I should not expect to return to normal for at least six months.  As I approach this healing milestone, I have been reflecting on my broken ankle experience.

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The ripple effects of kindness at work
Renée Smith Renée Smith

The ripple effects of kindness at work

In this post, Denise Matayoshi Miño shares how the kindness of her team members during a difficult transition impacted her family and the children they fostered forever.

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Through the eyes of Washingtonians
Renée Smith Renée Smith

Through the eyes of Washingtonians

Perhaps other customers in these scenarios might have been annoyed to waste time hearing about these experiences, but their stories inspired me. I listened with empathy and humility, and thanked them both for their help and time.

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